Weekly Challenge: Branding

Hello everyone and welcome back to the weekly challenge!

I apologise for getting this up so late this week but I’ve been out of the country so just catching up with all things blog related!

The next most popular topic that you guys wanted to focus on was having another look at your blog’s branding.

What is a brand exactly? Well I asked good old Google and the Business Dictionary gave me this answer…

Unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and satisfaction in the consumer’s mind. Thus brands help harried consumers in crowded and complexmarketplace, by standing for certain benefits and value. Legal name for a brand is trademark and, when it identifies or represents a firm, it is called a brand name.

So your brand is far more than having a logo at the top of your page. It should permeate through everything a visitor sees not just on your blog but on all the channels relating to it. The first part of this week’s challenge is to take a step back and think about what it is we want our brands to represent.

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Let’s Get Started

Firstly, I would like to say, I am not an expert in blogging. I was just a Blogging 201 like everyone else but felt that continuing our online community was an opportunity not to be missed. I will do my best to run this group but please bear with me whilst I get the ball rolling.

Everyone that has left their username should have now received an invitation to be an author on this group. Once you’ve accepted the invitation you will be able to write new posts as you did in Blogging 201. If you have not received an invitation yet I may have missed you so apologies! Leave a comment here with your username (not your URL) and I’ll get you added as soon as possible.

Feel free to write posts on anything blogging related but I will also be posting weekly challenges and/or discussion topics to keep us engaged and developing our own blogs. However please continue to abide by the guidelines set out in Blogging 201 to keep this space on track:

Commenting Guidelines
Please do not post entire original pieces of writing here. If you’d like specific feedback on something, either share a link to your own blog or copy and paste this template into a post, adding your details:

Excerpt: A passage or short post you’d like us to read and focus on.

Goal: A brief summary of your goal.

My Questions: One or two questions. The more specific you are, the more we can help.

Link (Optional): The full post published on your blog, if applicable.

This makes it easier for everyone to respond to your request. Please note that we will remove original pieces posted in their entirely, but you can always retrieve them from the dashboard here.

If you’re not looking for specific feedback and would like to share a post from your blog or elsewhere that’s related to what we’re working, feel free to post a link with a brief description of what you’re sharing and why.


  • Avoid posting photos or videos here; they can slow the site down considerably for folks on slower internet connections.
  • Don’t share unrelated or promotional content — it will be removed.
  • Keep all your comments respectful and supportive.

Happy blogging everyone!

How to Copy my Entire Site for testing

Years ago on Blogging 101 (I think that’s what it was), I learned that I could copy my entire site, then test the copy privately, as I expect to go through a number of major changes, and it was recommended that we don’t do that with our site, but with a copy.

Now, years later, I cannot find how to do that.  Can you help?


Hello,Happy St.Patrick Day at Nightime…

Hello,Happy St.Patrick Day at Nightime to all my fellow Bloggers’ Network

Hello, I had great news…

Hello, I had great news I just updgrade my WordPress Site and obtained a new domain.

Good Easter Night

Dear Bloggers on WordPress:

Have a Blessed Good Night Easter Night.  God,s blessings of a new day ,and the beginning of the rebirth of spring.


Denise Swoveland

With Christ,s Resurrection and Love



Happy New Year

Dear WordPress Bloggers

Happy  New Year , may all of my fellow  Wordpress bloggers  have a  successful wonderful,productive ,artistic and creative blogging  of 2016.

God,s blessing for all my fellow bloggers in the fields of creative writing and artistic expression.

Hello, Sorry, I have been…

Hello, Sorry, I have been away for awhile. I would like suggestions from fellow on how I could improve on my Blog on WordPress title Creativemind37,s Blog. The address is http:// creativemind37@ wordpress.com. I need to write more often ,so, I will not use my readers. I would appreciate feedback on my blogging style, format of my blog,or if my site is too busy, and distraction to viewers.
From Denise Swoveland. My site has poetry, Spirograph artistic expressions, and stories in progress.

Hoping to change the format of my blog

when it reaches my readers’ Inboxes. In most of my sites, the entire blog arrives, but in jeaneisenhower.com, only a few lines arrives with a link to read more. How do I change that?

Check out my new post @ blogafterblog21.wordpress.com I would like to know whether or not I should do a monthly q&a thing comment below tolet me know and provide comments suggestions, etc

Introduce yourself to other bloggers

I couldn’t reblog this a second time, but I thought this was a really great idea – just add info about you & your blog to the comments, and check out some of the other bloggers that are participating. Like OM’s Meet & Greet, it has brought a couple of new readers to my blog, so it’s definitely worth checking out.

In case anyone is interested:

Seeking menu tips.

I have an art blog called The Drawing Page
I created a page on my menu called portfolio and have two pages under it. This way my visitors can browse through different series of work. My question is, how can I get the featured images from each sub-page to show up and link to the gallery page of that series when people click on the portfolio?